Dodge Caliber CRD olio motore by eclipse95


Caliber MY07, motore VW ECD (BYL) senza filtro antiparticolato (DPF)
Impiegare esclusivamente olio sintetico per motore di gradazione SAE 5W-30, SAE 5W-40,
omologati conformi alla specifica VW 507.00, VW 505.01 (consigliato 5W-30 VW 507.00)
Caliber MY08, motore VW ECE (BWD) con filtro antiparticolato (DPF)
Impiegare esclusivamente olio sintetico per motore di gradazione SAE 5W-30,
omologato conforme alla specifica VW 507.00

VW 508.00 – low saps e con proprietà di risparmio energetico. In fase di sviluppo.

--------------100% vero sintetico POLY-OL-ESTER Gruppo V--------------

Red Line Euro-Series 5W30 Motor Oil  VW 507.00

--------------100% vero sintetico PAO Gruppo IV---------------------

Valvoline Synpower XL III 5W-30 VW 507.00
Valvoline SynPower Xtreme XL-III C3 SAE 5W-30 VW 507.00 [sostituisce Synpower XL-III]
Motul VW SPECIFIC 5W-30 VW 507.00
Motul 8100 X-clean+ 5W-30 VW 507.00
Ravenol WIV III SAE 5W-30 VW 507.00
Ravenol VMP SAE 5W-30 VW 507.00
Petronas SYNTIUM 5000 AV 5W-30 VW 507.00
Bardahl Technos C60 5W-40 VW 505.01 (solo senza DPF)
Amsoil EU Formula 5W-40 VW 505.01 (solo senza DPF)

---------------Non 100 % sintetico, PAO + Gruppo III, III+)----------------

Mobil 1 ESP Formula 5W-30 VW 507.00  (PAO + VISOM III+)
Bardahl Technos C60 5W-30 VW 507.00  (con Fullerene)(non 100% PAO)

---------------Hydrocracked Gruppo III--------------------------------------

Amsoil EU Formula 5W-30 VW 507.00
Castrol EDGE 5W30 (FST) VW 507.00
Castrol EDGE Turbo Diesel 5W-40 VW 505.01 (solo senza DPF)
AGIP 7008 LongLife VW 507.00
Repsol Elite Long Life 5W-30 VW 507.00
Shell Helix Ultra Extra 5W-30 VW 507.00
Tamoil Sint Future Power SAE 5W-30 VW 507.00
Selenia Mulpower C3 5W-30 VW 507.00

---------------OLIO MOLTO SPECIALE non approvato VW------------------

SynLube™ Lube−4−Life® SAE 5W-50 (garantito per 15 anni o 240.000 km, usato nello spazio (NASA) e per uso millitare)
Nebrok Oil M1 Racing 0W-100


OEM Mopar olio motore 5W-30 è prodotto da EXXONMOBIL OIL CORPORATION LINK



Quantità di olio
Dodge Caliber MY07 motore ECD (BYL)
Con cambio del filtro: 3,8 litri
Senza cambio del filtro: 3,3 litri
Dodge Caliber MY08 motore ECE (BWD)
Con cambio del filtro: 4,0 litri
Senza sostituzione del filtro dell'olio: 3,5 litri

Fonte:Software ufficiale VW ElsaWin
Manuale Dodge Caliber MY08
Olio motore: controllo del livello
– Dopo l'arresto del motore attendere almeno 10 minuti, in modo che l'olio possa rifluire nella coppa.
– Estrarre l'astina di controllo del livello olio, asciugarla con un panno pulito e reinserirla fino in fondo.
– Estrarre di nuovo l'astina di misurazione e verificare il livello dell'olio.

A seconda dell'astina di misurazione presente:
1 - Contrassegno "min"
2 - Contrassegno "max"
a - zona compresa tra il contrassegno "min": si può ancora aggiungere dell'olio (mezzo litro al massimo)
b - se il livello è nel settore centrale, si può aggiungere ancora un po' di olio
c - zona compresa tra il contrassegno "max": non si deve più aggiungere olio!
***Tra la freccia MIN e la freccia MAX passa circa 1 litro d'olio.

Il livello dell'olio non deve mai superare il contrassegno "max"


Il livello dell'olio corretto è la media tra Min e Max.
I diesel sono molto delicati su queste cose, e per evitare problemi, delle due è meglio che il motore giri con il livello in coppa a min che in max!
Più è alto il livello dell'olio, più è alto il rischio che questo venga tirato su dal turbo, soprattutto con i motori che hanno la turbina posizionata
appena sopra la coppa dell'olio.

"Impiegare esclusivamente olio sintetico per motore di gradazione
SAE 5W-30, SAE 0W-40, SAE 5W-40, SAE 10W-40 o SAE 15W-40
che soddisfano i requisiti della specifica ACEA C3 e omologati conformi
alla specifica VW 507.00"

Fonte:libretto uso e manutenzione

Se leggete attentamente, il costruttore ci consiglia di impiegare esclusivamente oli che soddisfano la specifica C3 e con omologazione conforme alle specifiche VW 507.00

D'altra parte unica specifica raccomandata dalla Volkswagen è VW 507.00 che è nettamente superiore qualitàtamente dalla specifica C3,
che in pratica non ha niente a che fare con le richieste della Volkswagen. La specifica VW 507.00 esiste solamente nella gradazione 5W-30
e allora, nessuna gradazione citata nel manuale d'uso non può essere usata, eccetto 5W-30.
I possessori della MY07 diesel tecnicamente possono usare l'olio con la specifica 505.01 5W-30, 5W-40 (obsoleta e non più consigliata dalla VW)

Usando i gradi di viscosità 10W-40, 15W-40 si rischia veramente di danneggiare il motore seriamente. Usate solamente l'olio con la specifica VW 507.00 5W-30.

tutte le parti interne di un motore sottoposte ad attrito sono lubrificate dall'olio che crea un sottile velo fra di esse evitandone o riducendone grandemente l'usura...
qui è importante sapere che per poter l'olio creare il velo o lo strato di lubrificazione deve avere un apposito spazio fra di essi..
(tipico è lo spazio/tolleranza fra cuscinetti/bronzine ed albero motore)..
Questo spazio è determinato in fase di progettazione del motore da esigenze tecniche per cui anche la scelta della viscosità dell'olio è determinata da queste esigenze.

Attenzione!!, usando l'olio con la gradazione 5W40, preferita da tanti, diminuiscono le prestazioni, aumentano i consumi e usura del motore.

A metà degli anni ’90 alcune case automobilistiche europee definirono lo standard API non compatibile con le loro esigenze di catalogazione,
cosicché diedero vita ad altri standard, il principale dei quali è l’ACEA, e addirittura degli standard proprietari, come fa tuttora la Volkswagen con il proprio standard VW.

Attenzione!! Usare solo gli oli raccomandati nel primo post.



OEM Mopar olio motore 5W-30 è prodotto da EXXONMOBIL OIL CORPORATION LINK DATA SHEET



Brand Name Viscosity Grade Service Category Performance Designation
ESSO UNIFLO 5W-30 SM Energy Conserving
MOBIL SUPER FE 5W-30 SM Energy Conserving
MOPAR 5W-30 SM Energy Conserving
TOYOTA GENUINE 5W-30 SM Energy Conserving


Valvoline SynPower has "four times better wear protection than Mobil 1."

Valvoline Hold its Ground and Turns up the Heat
As reported in the July 24, 2008 issue of Jobbers World Online News, Valvoline launched a national advertising campaign that takes on competitor Mobil 1.
The centerpiece of the campaign claim Valvoline SynPower has "four times better wear protection than Mobil 1."

According to Valvoline, the claim is based on the industry standard Sequence IVA test. The Sequence IVA is the industry standard test for determining wear
performance of an engine oil and is required to meet the API SL and SM requirements. Multiple tests showed that Valvoline SynPower provided four times
better wear protection than Mobil 1, as measured in these tests of 5W-30 grades.

ExxonMobil responded to the claim by saying it was "not aware of any accurate technical data to support the claim" and they requested Valvoline provide
the "substantiating data to support this claim immediately."

Rather than backing down, Valvoline is holding its ground, and turns up the heat.

Marketers say the received a letter from Valvoline providing additional information and data to support Valvoline SynPower's significant performance
advantage versus Mobil 1. In addition, marketers say the letter turns the table on ExxonMobil's challenge and Valvoline is now challenging ExxonMobil's
claim for its Mobil 1 5W-30.

According to the letter, Valvoline says the company conducted a number of tests and commissioned an independent laboratory to evaluate the
performance of SynPower and Mobil 1 in the Sequence IVA wear test. Marketers were told the tests were run on a 5W-30 since it's the top selling grade.

Now for the interesting part...

According to a letter Valvoline marketers received, the result from Valvoline's testing indicate:

Valvoline SynPower's 5W-30 wear performance is at least four times better than Mobil 1 5W-30
Mobil 1 5W-30 does not meet minimum API SM or ILSAC GF-4 specification because of its inferior performance in the Sequence IVA wear test

The letter reportedly goes on to say that Valvoline notified ExxonMobil of the failed test results in September and that the company take appropriate
action regarding their claim that Mobil 1 meets ILSAC GF-4 and API SM specifications, or provide substantiation that they in fact meet these specifications.

As of today, Valvoline told JobbersWorld, ExxonMobil has been silent.,%202008.htm,b1M25KBS





Valvoline SynPower has "four times better wear protection than Mobil 1."

Valvoline Hold its Ground and Turns up the Heat
As reported in the July 24, 2008 issue of Jobbers World Online News, Valvoline launched a national advertising campaign that takes on competitor Mobil 1.
The centerpiece of the campaign claim Valvoline SynPower has "four times better wear protection than Mobil 1."

According to Valvoline, the claim is based on the industry standard Sequence IVA test. The Sequence IVA is the industry standard test for determining wear
performance of an engine oil and is required to meet the API SL and SM requirements. Multiple tests showed that Valvoline SynPower provided four times
better wear protection than Mobil 1, as measured in these tests of 5W-30 grades.

ExxonMobil responded to the claim by saying it was "not aware of any accurate technical data to support the claim" and they requested Valvoline provide
the "substantiating data to support this claim immediately."

Rather than backing down, Valvoline is holding its ground, and turns up the heat.

Marketers say the received a letter from Valvoline providing additional information and data to support Valvoline SynPower's significant performance
advantage versus Mobil 1. In addition, marketers say the letter turns the table on ExxonMobil's challenge and Valvoline is now challenging ExxonMobil's
claim for its Mobil 1 5W-30.

According to the letter, Valvoline says the company conducted a number of tests and commissioned an independent laboratory to evaluate the
performance of SynPower and Mobil 1 in the Sequence IVA wear test. Marketers were told the tests were run on a 5W-30 since it's the top selling grade.

Now for the interesting part...

According to a letter Valvoline marketers received, the result from Valvoline's testing indicate:

Valvoline SynPower's 5W-30 wear performance is at least four times better than Mobil 1 5W-30
Mobil 1 5W-30 does not meet minimum API SM or ILSAC GF-4 specification because of its inferior performance in the Sequence IVA wear test

The letter reportedly goes on to say that Valvoline notified ExxonMobil of the failed test results in September and that the company take appropriate
action regarding their claim that Mobil 1 meets ILSAC GF-4 and API SM specifications, or provide substantiation that they in fact meet these specifications.

As of today, Valvoline told JobbersWorld, ExxonMobil has been silent.,%202008.htm,b1M25KBS





Mobil 1 è stato riformulato di recente. Visom con PAO

Why are we reformulating Mobil 1?

 A natural evolution of the formulation

• The Mobil 1 formulation strategy has always been based on selecting the best components available.
We now have the very high quality Group III+ base stock,
‘Visom’ exclusively available to ExxonMobil. As we developed the Mobil 1 ESP
technology we found that combining Visom with PAO could deliver a formulation
of equivalent performance to an all PAO formulation.

 Competitive advantage

• Visom is the only non-PAO stock that can deliver the required performance to
formulate a 0W grade oil that meets European OEM engine oil specifications.
Visom is not available to our competition.

 To support Mobil 1 growth

Global PAO capacity is limited. As we quickly approach this limit, new base
stocks must be explored to ensure we can support the continued growth of the
Mobil 1 family of products.

 To ensure continuity of supply

• As we saw with the 2005 hurricane, the more flexibility we have in our
formulations, the better placed we are to withstand disruption to our supply. We
can balance PAO and Visom supply fluctuations to ensure we can always deliver
the final product to our customers.

 To maintain market relevant pricing

• As PAO supply has tightened globally, raw material costs have increased
substantially. In the future, an exclusively PAO formulation may be priced out of
the market or result in significant margin erosion.

 To prepare for next generation basestocks (GTL)

• Commencing 2010, the next generation of base stocks derived from Natural Gas
(Gas To Liquids) will enter the market. These high quality basestocks will arrive
in substantial quantities and will probably be used in the majority of competitive
premium formulations. Visom is viewed as a precursor of GTL, and hence it’s
use now in our flagship formulations eases our transition to a GTL world, and
helps us understand how to maintain flagship performance using these high
quality non-PAO basestocks.

What is the communication strategy?

 With the exception of Germany, this reformulation will be invisible to consumers and B2B customers.
• Claims are identical with the exception of some now obsolete or soon to be obsolete claims
• Performance of new formulations are equivalent to current formulations

 Testing is underway to provide read-across of current marketing claims to new formulations

Review will take place of current marketing literature to ensure accuracy of specific claims to new formulations (e.g. if we quote
actual pour point values then this would need to be updated).

• There will be no proactive customer communication relating to this reformulation. However, an internal briefing document and Q&A has
been prepared to allow sales to respond in the unlikely event of a customer question.

 Due to the unique definition of synthetic in Germany (Synthetic = 100% PAO) this reformulation is visible to the consumer and B2B customers.
• A more proactive communication is being prepared for German use


Red Line Euro-Series 5W30 Motor Oil VW 507.00 (Gruppo V)

disponibile 16,70 €


Recommended for ACEA C2/C3, VW AUDI 504.00/507.00, BMW Longlife-04, Porsche C30, GM dexos2™ and MB 229.31/229.51
Designed for the extended drain intervals and fuel economy of the latest European gasoline and diesel engines,
including VW TDI models and BMW 3-series diesels.
Includes the appropriate levels of anti-wear additives and low ash content to ensure compatibility with the latest
diesel particulate filters and emissions equipment.
Ester based, an upgrade over base stocks over other motor oils for these vehicles that provides additional protection
against wear and instability at high temps

Fully-synthetic ester formula for passenger cars, light trucks, performance vehicles and marine applications
Excellent wear protection and friction reduction across a wide range of operating conditions
High detergency allows extended drain intervals and provides increased cleanliness
Improved fuel economy and ring seal for more power
Superior high temperature stability and oxidation resistance increases lubrication of hot metal compared to other synthetics
High natural viscosity index (VI) provides thicker oil film in bearings and cams
Less evaporation than other synthetics for improved efficiency and ring seal
All products are completely compatible with other conventional and synthetic motor oils


API Service Class SN/SM/SL/CF
SAE Viscosity Grade (Motor Oil) 5W30
Vis @ 100°C, cSt 11.6
Vis @ 40°C, cSt 69
VI 164
CCS Viscosity, Poise, @*C 63@-30
Pour Point, °C -45
Pour Point, °F -49
Flash Point, °C 232
Flash Point, °F 450
NOACK Evaporation Loss,1hr @ 482°F (250°C), % 6
HTHS Vis, cP @150°C, ASTM D4741 3.7


Dal 1979 Red Line Synthetic Oil Corporation privatamente è cresciuta per produrre oggi più di 80 prodotti di qualità, oli motore per
utilizzi da competizione e stradali, oli performanti per cambi manuali ed automatici, olio per differenziali, additivi per combustibile
ed il mitico prodotto refrigerante più diffuso "WaterWetter", per uso automobilistico, motociclistico, cart e imbarcazioni.
Con sede in Benicia, California, la società ha guadagnato una reputazione ineguagliabile tra i team sportivi per la creazione dei prodotti che performano e proteggono
meglio di qualunque altro competitor sul mercato, indipendentemente dal prezzo.Red line formula Oli completamente sintetici ed additivi
chimicamente avanzati utilizzando solo le migliori riserve di base del mondo, questo fa del prodotto Red Line Oil un marchio di prestigio,
non progettato per essere il più economico , ma realizzato per essere il migliore, portando a lubrificanti che sono estremamente stabili
alle alte temperature. La chimica di base Poly-ol-ester (polyalphaolefin) dei lubrificanti sintetici Red Line Oil possiede molteplici caratteristiche naturali:
ciò significa che per produrre i lubrificanti dalle molteplici proprietà e caratteristiche non sono necessarie grandi quantità di addensatori
polimerici instabili, come invece accade per quelli utilizzati nei lubrificanti minerali e da molti altri produttori di lubrificanti sintetici .

Nella maggior parte dei lubrificanti sono utilizzati addensanti polimerici per creare oli multigradi che subiscono un cambiamento della struttura
a seconda della temperatura. Purtroppo le grosse molecole degli addensanti in questi lubrificanti sono facilmente sheered , ossia tendono a deviare ,
cambiare direzione alle alte temperature in alcune zone del motore più calde come bronzine e 1° fascia elastica , questo fa sì che la viscosità
diventi instabile. Appena le molecole sono sheered , ossia tendono a cambiare direzione , la viscosità dell'olio diminuisce e con essa la stabilità
molecolare del lubrificante e di conseguenza la durata del motore causata dalla rottura del film protettivo con conseguente attrito tra le parti
metalliche del motore in movimento generando il logoramento meccanico di quest'ultime . La struttura molecolare Red Line al poly-ol-ester consente
all'olio di funzionare come un multigrado naturale su una ampia scala di temperature .Questo consente di avere una maggiore viscosità e una migliore
protezione nelle varie condizioni di lavoro del motore senza dover aggiungere alcun tipo di addensante evitando il pericolo prima descritto .


SynLube - olio nero

SynLube, produttore lubrificanti per la Nasa ha in commercio un'olio motore garantito per 15 anni o 240.000 km
Cinque diversi lubrificanti liquidi chimicamente inerti, pacchetto additivi completamente sintetico, olio insensibile alle ossidazioni, bestia nera dell'olio motore.
SynLube ™ Lube-4-Life ® è un lubrificante eccellente che contiene grafite, bisolfuro di molibdeno (MoS2 - Moly) e PTFE lubrificante solido sub micronico.

Exclusive Limited Lubrication Performance Warranty for up to: 15 Years or 150,000 Miles (15 years or 240,000 Kilometers)

In 1969 SynLube Company was established in Vancouver, B.C. CANADA and SynLube™ became commercially available to anyone who wished to purchase it,
however due to high cost of SynLube™, the use was usually limited to Military and Space Exploration applications.

The use of SynLube™ was also verified in special applications that were subject to Nuclear Radiation or to strong Ultraviolet exposure, where conventional lubricants failed.


SynLube Additional Benefits

Provides "dry" lubrication during cold or hot engine starting
Allows engine cranking at -50°F(-45°C)
Compatible with low and ultra low emission engine technology
Does not affect catalytic converter efficiency
Excellent long term engine wear protection
Outstanding soot thickening control
Low Base Fluid volatility reduces oil consumption and emissions
Extra protection for Turbocharger bearings
Outstanding TBN quality reserve
Stable UHVI (Ultra High Viscosity Index) of up to VI=200
Extended drain or NO drain capability
Freedom from Used Oil Disposal
Reduces bore polishing and eliminates engine piston scuffing
up to 8% fuel savings
Sub-zero and extreme high temperature service
Compatible with both conventional Petroleum and Synthetic Motor Oils
No special engine flushing is required when converting from any other Motor Oil in any Engine that does not have excessive
deposits or pre-existing "sludge" or "gel" problem.

SynLube™ Lube−4−Life® is synergetic blend of man-made liquid and solid chemically inert lubricants that are thermally stable
from -65°F (-54°C) to over 500°F (260°C). The sub-micronic particles of Graphite, PTFE and MoS2 are colloidally suspended in a
mixture of synthetic liquid lubricants.

SynLube™ Lube−4−Life® is a 100% fully synthetic , multi-grade, super premium, colloidal Sol lubricant.

SynLube™ Lube−4−Life® does not oxidize nor decompose like conventional Petroleum or Synthetic Motor Oils. It can be therefore used,
without oil changes, for up to:

15 Years
150,000 Miles
3,000 Hours of Engine operation in Gasoline Engines
2,000 Hours of Engine operation in Diesel Engines

SynLube™ Lube−4−Life® ...for Engines
is backed up, if installed in NEW vehicles, by our exclusive Limited Lubrication Performance Warranty for up to:

15 Years or 150,000 Miles (15 years or 240,000 Kilometers)

SynLube™ Lube−4−Life® ...for Engines exceeds all of the following performance requirements:

API Service SJ Warranty Requirements for new 1997 Model Cars, Vans & Trucks
API Service SL Warranty Requirements for new 2001 Model Cars, Vans & Trucks
API Service SM Warranty Requirements for new 2005 Model Cars, Vans & Trucks
API Service SN Warranty Requirements for new 2011 Model Cars, Vans & Trucks
GM Service dexos-1 Warranty Requirements for new 2011 GM vehicles Model Cars, Vans & Trucks
API Service CG-4, CF-2, CF-4, CF Warranty Requirements for Heavy Duty Diesel Engines
API Service CH-4 Warranty Requirements for new 1998 Low Emission Heavy Duty Diesels
API Service CI-4 Warranty Requirements for new 2002 Low Emission Heavy Duty Diesels with EGR.
API Service CJ-4 Warranty Requirements for new 2007 Low Emission Heavy Duty Diesels using fuel with 15 PPM Sulfur.
DHD-1 performance specification for Heavy Duty Diesel Service according to International specifications
Cummins performance specification 20076 (also called CH-4 plus or CH-4+)
Mack EO-M, EO-M PLUS, EO-L, EO-L PLUS & EO-K/2 Performance Specifications
Quadruple Cummins NTC-400 performance
Caterpillar 10 TBN requirements
Detroit Diesel 7SE 270
Exceeds the requirements of MIL-L-22851C (U.S. Military)
ACEA ES-99 European Specifications for Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Oil
ACEA B4-98 European Specifications for Light Duty High Speed Diesel Engine Oil
ACEA A3-98 European Specification for Gasoline Engine Oil
CCMC PD-2 for High Performance Automotive Diesel Engines
CCMC G-5 & D-5
ILSAC GF-1, GF-2, GF-3, GF-4 & GF-5